The best way to express yourself is to author your own story.Lore Van Keer offers the service of custom creation for any original jewel you have in mind, with your story as the blueprint. Your favourite jewellery should fit like a second skin. It should also offer a window for the world to view you as you wish to be seen. Whether you’re inspired by an elegantly crumbling art deco building, the trip of a lifetime or important words once shared with you. Whether it’s a gift or treat to yourself. Together we can make a memory or idea into a precious object.


Book your personal appointment today and let's meet soon in one of our ateliers or online.


The best way to express yourself is to author your own story.Lore Van Keer offers the service of custom creation for any original jewel you have in mind, with your story as the blueprint. Your favourite jewellery should fit like a second skin. It should also offer a window for the world to view you as you wish to be seen. Whether you’re inspired by an elegantly crumbling art deco building, the trip of a lifetime or important words once shared with you. Whether it’s a gift or treat to yourself. Together we can make a memory or idea into a precious object.


Book your personal appointment today and let's meet soon in one of our ateliers or online.


Hoogstraat 9
1861 Wolvertem

Steenhouwersvest 26
2000 Antwerpen

+32 (0)2 449 98 90